You are talking to someone – maybe a family member, or an acquaintance – and you say, “I watched the Congressional hearings into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, and one of the witnesses said that the U.S. government has been reverse-engineering ET craft since the 1930s.” For you this statement isn’t controversial. Somewhere deep in your soul you understand that the galaxy is filled with intelligent life and that some of those folks have probably been visiting the earth for a long time. But your friend scoffs and says, “There’s no credible evidence that UFOs exist. That ET crap is for the movies.”
What can you say to that? Nothing much, really. There is a sort of close-minded feeling coming from the other person and you understand that arguing with her is pointless. So you say “OK” and move on.
There is a growing gap in awareness between groups and people in our society. Some are flexible, are willing to discuss many subjects, and aren’t afraid to be contradicted. Others hold rigidly to narratives and opinions and are not swayed by evidence.
Why are some people inflexible, while others are open-minded? The vibrational universe concept helps to explain this. Compare the personality of a cheerful, sunny person to an angry, morose person. These two are literally not on the same wavelength, and don’t see “eye to eye.” Their vibrational resonance is completely different. There is little comprehension and affinity between them, and the worldview of these two people is likely to be wildly different. However, the cheerful person will be able to say, “OK, this poor guy is angry. I should just stop and walk away.” Whereas the angry person will just feel intense irritation and may even lash out.
To crudely illustrate this concept, consider this very simplistic graph of two vibrations. The waveform at the top is of a higher frequency than the one at the bottom because it has five crests and troughs for every one crest of the bottom vibration. If we use the vibrational analogy that awareness, or consciousness, exists on a scale of lowest to highest – highest being the broadest awareness, including many more data points – then a higher consciousness can understand a lower one, but not vice-versa. Why? Well, since thought is vibrational in nature, a higher vibration can “read” a lower one.
High frequency waveform: wHigh:
Low frequency waveform wLow:
Imagine an “eye” at every wavecrest on wLow and wHigh.
The person at the higher frequency just counts out 5 wavecrests and can easily see the lower wavelength. But the one on the bottom can only be aware of its much longer wavelength, because its perception is too gross. Even though there are 5 wavecrests of wHigh between every one for wLow, wLow cannot see them, even though they surely exist! (excerpted from
I use this crude analogy to point out the dilemma of awareness and consciousness. Those in the lower vibrations get very frustrated, because they cannot understand why you don't agree with them, or why you insist on talking about irrelevant subjects (like extraterrestrial life, or the nuances of a political debate, or a medical study about vaccines). For such people, their opinions and beliefs are always “obvious,” and your misunderstanding (and “misinformation”) seems deliberately perverse! They regard you as a kook, because they can't see your deeper understanding. Like the waveform wLow, they sense but cannot comprehend that you are “different,” and it bothers them. When such people get into power they try to squash the arts, decrease funding for pure science (and hand out grants to their cronies), or start “misinformation” centers to censor other points of view.
A couple of weeks ago I watched the movie “Avatar” again. This movie is a perfect example of two societies on a different level of consciousness. The leader of the security team and the head of the corporation regard the inhabitants of the planet as primitive, spaced-out, kooky wierdos, because they don't have any machinery. (Of course, everybody knows that high-tech gadgets are an indicator of a higher consciousness, right?) I thought it was interesting that in Avatar, the solution of the indigenous people fight a war. That is the filmmaker’s conception of how it would play out.
I think the entire plot is preposterous, assuming as a given that human spacecraft would have free rein to go out into space and attack another planet more advanced in consciousness. That would be a violation of the Law of Attraction. Galactically speaking, would a society that has evolved to a high level of consciousness ever meet up with a primitive, mechanized culture? There is simply no reality or resonance between the two vibrations; the gap in consciousness is too large. The two cultures would never even see each other.
To me, it seems unlikely that the scenario that played out in Avatar could actually exist in “the real universe,” as opposed to the world of human science fiction, which always assumes that the rest of the universe is at our low level of consciousness.
On planet earth, of course, immersed in the old paradigm, it has always been possible for a peaceful culture to be overwhelmed by barbarians. The species consciousness of humanity has not yet evolved to a higher state, so we are all within the same range of vibrational resonance. The bad guys have always been able to see the good guys because the difference in consciousness and awareness isn’t that great.
But that is changing now. During the consciousness shift, the evolving sectors of our civilization will tend toward more cooperation, more harmony, and much greater productivity. The sectors mired in the old paradigm of thought will look more and more primitive, and will force themselves on a more and more unwilling population. The vibrational gap will increase. We can see that happening now between the big cities and “flyover country,” which the coastal elites use to describe what they say are the uneducated barbarian primitives who live in rural areas, on farms, and in the country.
Well, we will see. Which culture will prevail? The drugged up, violent big cities with their horrible education systems that graduate illiterates from high school? Or the countrified hicks with common sense who are “right neighborly” and who are taught to be nice to others? It’s playing out right now.
The captured medical sector (by Big Pharma), the fossil fuel industry tycoons, the corrupted political and banking system, mass media (controlled by the intelligence community), the national security establishment, and all other groups that lack integrity are collapsing. And that’s a good thing because their corruption will be seen by everyone, and contribute to the advancement of consciousness on the planet.
The human race is evolving too fast to ever go back to the old paradigm of thought. We are firmly on the path of consciousness shift, like a massive boulder that is beginning to roll downhill. It’s unstoppable!
Fortunately, a rising tide raises all boats and the consciousness shift will eventually result in higher awareness for everyone, and more peaceful and prosperous societies.