Assertion: Complete non-resistance to something means being completely free of it. Stated positively, complete allowing of something means complete freedom from it.
Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it?
“Yeah it is,” you say. “If there is something you don't want in your experience, then you better protect yourself from it.”
Yup. If you don't want your house broken into, then it is logical to install an alarm system. If you don't want to deal with that annoying checkout person at the store, it seems reasonable to complain to the manager; maybe the guy will get fired. But all of these actions will only result in getting you more of what you don’t like. What you resist will persist. This is guaranteed by the Law of Attraction which states, “like attracts like.”
The more you resist an experience, the more uncomfortable it gets. Let’s say you hear of a robbery in your neighborhood. So you go out and buy an alarm system to protect yourself from being robbed.
There are now two ways you can go.
(1) The guys from the alarm company come to install the system, and they are very pleasant, answering all of your questions and allaying all of your fears. Their technology is up-to-date and you are very impressed with the hardware. Now you feel safe.
That takes your attention off being broken into. You now have a feeling of safety and so you are now drawing to you experiences of safety.
Or, (2) you have the alarm system installed but the next night, on the news, there is another burglary in your area. Or perhaps the installers were rude and the system was not as elaborate as you had hoped. That gets you thinking again about your fear of robbery. Now even though you have a perfectly good alarm system, you are still focusing and so vibrating on the frequency of “fear of being robbed.” The Law of Attraction is still connecting you to the energy stream of “being robbed,” and so it is getting bigger and bigger.
If you live in a totally safe neighborhood your fear of being robbed won’t cost you. But if there is someone in your neighborhood looking to enter houses unlawfully, you will be resonating quite nicely to that person.
You might say, “No, stupid. Just get a bigger and more sophisticated alarm system.” Yeah, that might work to foist off the casual burglar. But a real pro might look at your system and wonder why you need such an elaborate setup. He might figure there’s something really valuable behind those gates. Vibrational matching works at all levels.
In (1) you say, “Installing that alarm system was great! I'm going to recommend that company to everyone.” For you, it is the presence of all that hardware that secures your safety, and that is what you tell your friends, but in the vibrational model of the universe, it is your focus on safety that is causing your experiences of safety. You might say, “What's the difference? If the alarm system makes you feel safe, then go for it.” Certainly there is no harm in having an alarm system. But it may be an unnecessary expense!
It may be that every time you pass the control box you feel a warm fuzzy feeling of security. In the vibrational universe model, that feeling/vibration is the best guarantor of your continued safety, regardless of the presence of the alarm system.
In (2), you have a better chance of attracting a burglar, in spite of the alarm system.
In both cases, there was an alarm system. But in only one case was there a burglar anywhere near your home.
The senior datum is where you are focusing your attention. Stated more precisely: It is always and only your offering of vibration which determines your experience.
Of course this is absurd to most people, because we have been taught that a human being is merely a collection of protoplasm, and that events occur probabilistically. Quantum physics tells us that the interaction and behavior of subatomic particles, which compose all matter and energy, is entirely based on probability. In the materialist conception, matter and energy are not only superior to consciousness, but consciousness comes from matter. There is never any certainty about anything, only probable outcomes! So, get an alarm system and hope for the best.
The more a person is focused on protecting themselves from X, the likelier it is that they will eventually be a vibrational match to X.
If it makes you feel better to buy a gun and get training, go for it. But the best protection from harm is not the gun, but the vibration of safety the gun provides.
Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, in his book, Cracking the Bible Code, describes the transformational experience of a man in a Nazi concentration camp, who eventually came to the understanding that freedom is a state of mind. In the midst of the horror around him, this man found a profound personal peace.
“Your philosophy is just a bunch of unattainable gibberish,” you say. “Not one in a million could ever apply it.”
Maybe. But what is the alternative? Believing in a materialistic world of probability and randomness that renders a person powerless. I got way too stressed out living in a belief system like that!
One can perform life experiments to see if this vibrational system works for you. If it does, your life is going to get a lot better. If it doesn’t you can always go out and buy that alarm system and that gun. (Or you can do both!)
If there are universal principles like the Law of Attraction, then it behooves us to take advantage of them for our own benefit.