We have been taught that our physical reality – and human nature – is immovable and really hard to change, and that the structure of matter itself is not malleable or changeable. But what if that viewpoint is too limited? Quantum mechanics and computer science have taught us that physical objects can be viewed as vibrational information systems. And when we understand that, our solid and immovable reality can be viewed as something much lighter and amenable to positive change.
An Information System is a coherent collection of data that can be stored, processed, and retrieved, to supply useful content to human beings. Most information these days is stored in databases, which are organized sets of data that can rapidly be input, calculated upon, and output. Information systems are used in business, to help process customer orders, organize inventory, calculate payroll, etc. Banks and securities firms are completely dependent on information systems to store customer account records and to process financial transactions. Information systems are an integral part of modern life.
What if the universe itself is an information system? More precisely, a vibrational information system.
Science tells us that all physical objects, and energy, are made up of atoms. Atoms are composed of a tiny nucleus surrounded by moving electrons. The atom is 99% space, with electrons moving around in it. A vibration is essentially the periodic or aperiodic movement of something in space. Therefore, the atom is basically a little vibration. But it is also a unit of information! (String theory tells us that the electrons, protons, and neutrons of the atom are themselves composed of tiny, vibrating filaments.)
For example, what information does this atom transmit?
It says, "I am the element called hydrogen."
This atom says, "I am oxygen."
These two units of vibrational information can combine to form probably the most important substance on earth: H2O (water).
The combination of elements is a mutually beneficial exchange of information.
The Periodic Table of Elements contains the basic building blocks for all physical objects and energies in the material world; that is why they are called elements. All physical objects are a combination of one or more of these basic elements.
Therefore, the physical objects and energies that we see around us are actually vibrational information systems, just as the water molecule is an information system combining the two elements “hydrogen” and “oxygen.” The important point here is that information systems are programmable, as we will see shortly.
Why does the hydrogen atom combine with the oxygen atom? Because they have been programmed to do so! You can believe that the universe is simply a random collection of energies that “just happened” to come together in the incredibly complex forms we observe in nature. But the existence of the universe itself, with its elegant physical laws, and the planet earth, with its millions of species and ecosystems that work together harmoniously, is the most obvious argument that life, and the physical world, is NOT random.
The aggregations of physical matter, and the physical laws that allow them to interact, must be programmed from an information system (or chaos would result), just as an inventory program determines where and how stock is stored and released.
Water is a programmed information system that creates something vital to all life on planet earth. You may have heard of the work of the Japanese researcher who works with water, Dr. Masaru Emoto. Dr. Emoto performed experiments that showed that water crystals react to conscious intent. In other words, thought and intent re-programmed the physical structure of the water crystals. To a materialist such things are incomprehensible, and it is really funny to read the comments on his work from skeptics.
Because physical systems are vibrational in nature, the reality we live in is an interpreted reality. By that I mean that all perception is an interfacing of vibration. The atom is a tiny little vibration, and all matter and energy is composed of atoms, and the receptor cells of the human body are atomic as well. So what we perceive as solid and real is nothing more than the interaction and interfacing of vibrational information. (See my movie “The Vibrational Universe,” at https://www.kjmaclean.com)
If the cells and organs of our bodies – and the world around us – are simply collections of information, we can see how a human being can be a programmer of their life.
Our bodies are information systems: coherent, and programmable, collections of vibration. The liver, for example, is programmed to eliminate waste; the heart is programmed to pump blood, the lungs to receive oxygen and release carbon dioxide, etc. Can thought and intent influence the body's information systems in a positive way? My answer is that you won’t know unless you try.
To summarize: The universe is vibrational and informational, because its component elements – atoms – are vibrational units of information. Therefore the physical objects and living things in our world are also vibrational information systems. The human body itself is an extremely complex information system with many sub-elements – the various organs and the cells that compose them.
How do these vibrational information systems work? Well, we can get an idea by examining a hologram.
In 1947 a Hungarian scientist, Dennis Gabor, developed the theory of holography, for which he won the Nobel Prize in 1971. A hologram is made by shining a beam of light directly onto a light-sensitive plate (the reference beam), and then combining it with another beam of light that is redirected from a series of mirrors onto the object (the object beam), and back to the recording plate. The two light beams create an interference pattern, which is then recorded on a light sensitive plate. The interference pattern is just a vibrational intermingling of two sets of waveforms. When light is shined onto the plate, a vivid, 3 dimensional object results.
A hologram has the amazing property that even a tiny section of it contains all of the information for the entire hologram. In other words, the hologram has the entire information system for the complete image programmed into every piece of it. “Hologram” is just a fancy word that means “vibrational information system.”
(simple 2 dimensional, flat, holographic setup)
If you are interested, you can look up the Holographic Principle. Introduced by physicist Gerardus t'Hooft in 1993, it states that the physics of any system can be described on the boundary of that system. In other words, the physics (the reality) of a 3 dimensional system can be described in two dimensions. So a holographic information system light-imprinted upon a flat, 2 dimensional plate can produce a perfect image of the 3 dimensional object.
Here's the point: all physical systems are information systems and have programming that determines how the physical processes work, and the form of the component objects. The earth is a very sophisticated and complex information system, your life is also an information system. And the programming for these systems is alterable!
Let’s take a practical example of this concept. When you want to build a house you first design a blueprint. That blueprint is the information system that describes the physical house. Alteration of the blueprint will result in alteration of the physical description of the house.
The 2 dimensional blueprint controls the 3 dimensional structure called “house.” In other words, you could say quite accurately that the true reality of your house lies not in the physical building materials of foundation, walls, and roof, but in the information contained in the blueprint. When you need to make changes to your house, you and your contractor must consult the blueprint first. If you don’t your house might wind up looking like that house in the Three Stooges!
Humanity has control over its own information systems.
When a hologram is activated, light is shined on the light-sensitive plate. What if the programming (or reprogramming) of our own DNA can be activated by thought and conscious intent? That is the object of vibrational healing systems like Reiki.
If the world and everything in it is, essentially, programmable, vibrational information, then human beings, through conscious intent, can change their lives, and the face of our planet, very rapidly. So why don’t we? Because we have been taught that a human being is just a piece of meat, and that thought itself comes from matter. With a belief system like this, humanity can never reach its full potential. With a belief system like this, we might expect the history of the species to be filled with conflict and war.
But conflict and war are the physical representation of the information systems that humanity has constructed. Physical manifestation of anything cannot occur unless there is agreement and intent for it to occur. It is the equivalent of the wave pattern recorded on the light sensitive plate in a hologram. Therefore, anything unwanted on planet earth is being created in an information system. And information systems can be reprogrammed by changing their content. Like a computer with a new program, you get a fresh program that does new things.
Perhaps the universe is like a gigantic computer.
The mnemonic instructions that make the computer go are just electronic impulses that are programmed into it, just like the elements of the Periodic Table that make up the universe are units of vibrational information. For the computer, this set of instructions is the Operating System. Each computer has an OS, which provides a platform that allows computer programmers to write programs and apps that we use to get work done.
The Operating System that runs the computer can be changed. The operating system controls what types of programs you can run. If you try to run Adobe Photoshop with the 3D enhanced package on a computer running the Windows 95 Operating System, nothing will happen.
If the program “clean, free energy” is run on a human operating system that cannot understand it, you will get nothing but inefficient and scarce energy, and pollution.
The reprogramming of humanity's operating system will allow us to move from the program Fossil Fuels 2436.6 to Clean Energy 1.0, and from War 4354262534.9 to Cooperation 1.0. But first it is necessary to change from the old OS to a new OS. Once we have a new OS, we can start writing new and better programs that will lift the earth, and humanity, from its present stressed-out and confused state.
Behind the solid reality of our world is vibrational information. Changing the information system changes reality. And that information system changes when different choices are made.
Information is reality.
That is something human beings are slowly discovering as humanity goes through a shift in consciousness. Some call this consciousness shift a great awakening. The more humanity understands the power of thought and conscious intent to change its information systems, the easier it will be to change the reality human beings experience.