Fate and Free Will

A person finds himself in an unpleasant situation and his grumpy father, who has read all of these essays, says, “It’s your own fault. You attracted it. Live with it.”

This sort of explanation is irritating to say the least, besides being unhelpful, but it also sounds suspiciously like the guiding hand of Fate, for one can look at the world and say, “Everything that occurs in the world simply IS, because it’s meant to be that way.”

There is a crucial difference, however, in a philosophy based upon fate, and one which postulates consciousness always at cause point. There are no outside forces determining your destiny, even though it often seems that way.

“You are crazy,” you say. “Your wife’s niece lives in Lahaina, Hawaii and that city burned to the ground, along with her house. Tell me she’s at ‘cause point’ over that.”

I say, “C’mon, man.” I’m not talking about existential Acts of God, where high winds knock down power lines and start raging fires that spread all over a city. These essays deal with living daily life. But I will say that the collective consciousness of a large group of people in a city has a huge attractive force. And also, that the collective consciousness of humanity, all 8 billion of us, has an incalculably high attracting force. Yet within these parameters of existence, the vibrational model of the universe says that an individual really does have a huge influence over their life, and what they experience.

Take a look at the alternative! Do you really want to live a life of victimhood, believing that you are buffeted about by the random probabilistic actions of others you have no control over?


The idea of fate is indirectly supported by the scientific method, which has dominated the consciousness of the general public. Science teaches us that only what is observable is valid. Therefore, we are conditioned to believe that what-already-is, is unalterable truth.

To further complicate matters, to say “that which exists is meant to be,” is true! But it's only true because the decisions and actions of conscious beings made it that way.

Are the established things of this world simply facts of life, or are they continual creations? It all depends on whether you believe you can change anything. Those who believe in fate don’t really have much motivation to change their lives. “Whatever will be will be.”

For example, I accept the fact that if I’m hungry I can drive down to the local supermarket. Supermarkets have been around almost my entire life so I don't question their existence, but in my grandfather’s world they did not exist. One can simply say, “supermarkets were fated to occur because of the increase in population density” but the fact remains that someone had to create the idea of a supermarket, then actually put it into the physical universe. In fact, every supermarket in the world is being continuously created, and without continued attention to the idea of “supermarkets” they would all disappear.

Anything that exists in the physical universe is being constantly created by one or more conscious beings. This leads us to another obvious, but very important conclusion:

(1) When the focus of consciousness is no longer present upon a thing, it will separate into its constituent components. This is just a restatement of the entropy law of thermodynamics.

A car rusts out and falls apart when it sits unattended in a junkyard. A flower wilts when it no longer has the nutrients to survive, or when the consciousness connected with it decides to depart. A human body disassociates when the consciousness associated with it no longer creates the human energy field that sustains it. The implications of this statement are enormous, for it implies that everything in the universe is influenced by consciousness.

The above statement (1) cannot be proven, of course. If consciousness is nonphysical (virtual) it cannot ever be tested or measured. However, a person can perform life experiments to test the vibrational model, which only and always applies to the subjective experience of an individual. The principles of these essays must be forever out of the realm of broad scientific proof, but they can be tested individually. The vibrational model is a SUBJECTIVE model, not an objective one like science. However, like the scientific method, one can perform experiments to see if these principles work for YOU.

In life, it is the focusing of consciousness that begins and sustains the creative process. Hoping and wishing, in the absence of a clear vision, will not create the vibrational conditions that lead to manifestation. The answer to the problem of “I don’t know what I want!” is therefore, “Find something to focus on.” An incoherent vibration will lead to an incoherent life!

The Creative Process

How is anything created?

First, a conscious being somewhere has an idea.

What's an idea? An idea is a thought about something, a tiny bit of focus or attention to a subject. Lots of times when we have ideas they don't go any further: “I want to invent an anti-gravity machine.” For me, this is a wonderful idea but I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be successful, so I cease to give more attention to it. Therefore, my thoughts concerning the subject of anti-gravity machines are relatively small in number, vague, and unfocused.

The guy who invented the compact disk, however, had an idea and followed up on it. By that I mean, he gave it more attention. He looked at how lots of information could be coded into a very small space and proceeded in steps to evolve his ideas: first comes the polishing of the glass plate, then the coating of photoresist (a chemical that hardens when exposed to light), then the information is written into the photoresist, then a negative of the information is created...etc.

Any creative process begins with an idea, then more ideas coagulate around it in some kind of sensible arrangement. It’s a thought prototype, an evolving thought form about something which may or may not work in the physical universe. But the energy associated with the thought is just as real as the stuff on your workbench, or the keyboard you type on. A thought form is a buildup of energy brought about by a focusing of consciousness in a particular area, which is then mirrored into the physical universe.

Without the focusing or attention of consciousness, nothing can ever be brought into physical existence, because every single thing in the universe was preceded by thought.

Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest geniuses of the last century, designed and debugged all of his machines in his head. Only when he could get the thing functioning mentally did he put it together physically. Mozart composed entire symphonies in his head, and was able to transfer them to paper without a mistake.

A completed thought form is a very powerful thing indeed.

Even if a physical blueprint exists for an object, it cannot be built without the corresponding thought template. Example: most of my computer programs. Even though I have a written record of each one, after a time I cannot figure out how they work. I have several with minor bugs, including a halfway decent Mandelbrot/Julia Set generator, but I have lost the thought templates connected to them, so the programs are worthless, for I cannot debug them. This is how technology gets lost.

Another example:

Sumerian Tablet
A Sumerian tablet.

This physical blueprint cannot be translated. Without the corresponding thought template to give it meaning, the blueprint is useless.

Every step of the creative process is first and foremost an evolvement of thought; and everything we see in the physical universe has a unique template of thought connected to it.

Back To Fate

Fate is just an individual’s attention to something for a long enough time. For example, every time Joe changes jobs he gets a domineering and micromanaging boss. Joe would prefer a job where he has freedom to breathe, but he is so focused on NOT GETTING ANOTHER CRUMMY BOSS that he continuously attracts one. If you ask Joe how he keeps getting the same kind of boss he might tell you it’s fate. And he would be right – Joe is fated to attract the same situations as long as he continues to focus in the same way.

But Joe has, in every moment, the choice to change his focus of attention! And when he does so, something different happens.

Joe's life will change when he changes his focus. So fate is just continued focus on something until it is brought into the life experience.

A philosophy based on fate and one based on free will are both operating from the Law of Free Will, it is just that a person who believes in fate never makes a decision to change their focus.

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