Inga's family is into sports, camping, games, and having fun, and so was Inga until a few months ago, when she took a look at her life and didn't like what she saw anymore. Inga quit her job in a sports consulting firm and began taking meditation classes. She now works in a new age bookstore, for far less money, and her family and old friends are confused about where she's at. There is now a vibrational separation between Inga and her family. She is on a different wavelength, literally, and so much of what Inga thinks, says and does is no longer real to them. If Inga continues on this path, there will be more and more physical separation between them. This is not good or bad, it is just that Inga will meet up now with people of similar interests to her new vibe. She may lose some of her old friends, because their vibrations now clash with hers, like playing a melody note with a natural 7th and a chord with a flat 7th.
What passes for the common reality in a family or group is usually just what most of the family or group agrees on. What passes for the common reality in a nation is what the majority of the people agree on, which usually means, what is on the news every day. But the commonly accepted reality has no more validity than the reality of any individual. It is just that more people have bought into them. The geniuses, the successful business people, those who prosper in any field are always those who decide to do something and then continue along their own path, no matter what anyone else says. So many of us, when we see the maverick, will be quick to criticize. This is natural, since the vibration the maverick is offering is different from the agreed upon one.
Being “different” is literally being on a different frequency, and others can feel it. This phenomenon is apart from the obvious physical differences.
Inga might say to her family and friends: “Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I am going a little too far with that meditation stuff. I'll behave myself from now on.” Inga might quit her job at the bookstore and justify it by telling herself that it was just a whim. She might even get her old job back. She may now feel more comfortable when dealing with family and her old friends, but if Inga is truly dissatisfied with her life and continues to frequent the same places and deal with the same people, she will become increasingly irritable. The vibrations just aren’t meshing anymore.
The laws of the universe always work for you, no matter where you are at. Inga just has to decide whether she likes her new friends at the bookstore better than the old crowd. It’s unfortunate that vibrational matching will draw her away from the old group. But universal laws work that way. Inga is going to experience some uncomfortable situations unless she completely cuts off contact from family and friends. But doing that may cause Inga to feel even more uncomfortable.
Someone once told me that when you really begin to travel your own unique path through life, you feel alone. Well, perhaps this new life path for Inga is one of self-discovery. Perhaps Inga is realizing for the first time the unique set of basic desires that she came to earth to fulfill. If she goes with whatever feels best to her, she will inevitably be led down the most joyous path.
Is there no risk for Inga in following her inner voice of inspiration? That depends on what she believes. Perhaps Inga is troubled by her father’s assertion that “those airheads down at the bookstore are all wannabes and wastrels.” Inga might decide that having money is much better than living in a cheap apartment with two other roommates. Inga should probably ask herself, “What feels better?” Her inner guidance will tell her, if she listens.
Feeling good leads to good things in your experience, including money. I’m not talking about an indulgent, self-centered, hedonistic “feel good,” which just takes into account physical desires and sensations. I’m talking about a deeper, soul feeling that gives you a feeling of joy and self-confidence.
Inga – or anyone for that matter – can’t know how it will work out if she follows the new path. That’s the problem with consulting the intuition and the higher aspects of your being. The practical path can be planned for physical comfort and material success, and that is very satisfactory for many. But the higher path, you have no idea what will happen.
Trusting your feelings and your intuitive nudges is the only way to determine if the new path is the best one.