Daily Archives: January 15, 2025

“You can be confident that a narrative is a lie (or partial truth) because it is inconsistent with the presented evidence, yet at the same time not know what the truth really is. This asymmetry (lies are more evident than truth) is at the heart of navigating the labyrinth of deception.”
— Martin Geddes

This brilliant statement of the current situation applies in this era of corruption and lies. Not knowing the truth about anything is almost a given these days, but that should not prevent one from recognizing lies, for lies are issued in abundance by almost everyone in authority. Therefore one should never dismiss “conspiracy theories” without investigating first.

The purpose of a lie is to obscure an agenda or a crime. Lies are contained in narratives. Narratives are what passes for news in this era of deceit.

Here is an example of a narrative. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said this on Sunday January 12. 2025 on CNN’s “State of the Union,” as the fake Biden administration prepares to depart Washington DC:

“...our alliances are stronger than we found them four years ago. They’re stronger than they’ve been in decades. NATO is more powerful, purposeful and bigger. Our alliances in the Asia-Pacific are at all time highs, and our adversaries and competitors are weaker across the board. Russia is weaker. Iran is weaker, China is weaker and all the while we kept America out of war.”

CNN, State of the Union program

Sullivan, of course, is posturing for the legacy of the current regime. Almost everything he said (with the exception that NATO is bigger) was a lie, but everyone accepts that government officials and spokespersons are liars. “That’s politics,” people say, which is synonymous with saying that lies are the currency of the State. This has been true for millennia, but we don’t have to put up with this anymore!

Conspiracy Theories are the Result of Constant Lies

What do you do when you recognize a lie but you lack proof that it is a lie? Well, you compile evidence to the contrary and posit alternatives. These alternatives are called “conspiracy theories” by the agenda makers, but they are just attempts to dissolve the lies surrounding a narrative and uncover the truth.

My current set of conspiracy theories revolve around the massive destruction in Los Angeles from monster wind-driven fires, which have made tens of thousands homeless and destroyed entire towns. These fires have been raging for over a week.

Here is a video made by a L.A. resident in 2020 about the Cali fires in 2017, which would be classified as a conspiracy theory by any corporate controlled media outlet.  (It’s only 14 minutes long):

The same patterns of destruction were present in Maui in 2023, and in LA today.

The following is my own attempt to dissolve what I think are the lies behind a rapidly evolving crime against humanity.

My Conspiracy Theory

a) We know that the Air Force has already deployed aircraft with directed energy weapons.[1]

b) We know that weather weaponry exists (HAARP, Raytheon’s ice-cube neutrino detector, a directed energy weapon that can create earthquakes anywhere in the world).

We also know that a focused laser beam from a satellite in Low Earth Orbit can strike areas on the ground with great accuracy (see this video, which explains it in exhausting detail. For a short summary go to the Conclusion, at the 32 minute mark). And we know from Ashton Forbes’ interview with Dr. John Brandenburg – who worked in classified programs – that electron beam directed energy weapons are much more powerful than lasers.[2]

c) Schriever Space Force Base in Colorado may be the center for the deployment of directed energy weapons on U.S. satellites.[3]

And d) We know that there is a directed energy weapons facility not 40 miles from Maui.

This information, along with other vids I’ve seen, is enough for me to form a hypothesis: Because directed energy weapons from satellites or military aircraft can start “wildfires,” they could have been used by rogue elements in government or the military to start fires on the ground.

In this era of corruption and deceit in the public and private sector, I don’t think that’s an unreasonable hypothesis.

Therefore, sabotage is one of the factors that must be considered when massive firestorms ­– which are called “wildfires” by the media –  break out and destroy entire towns and cities, causing death and homelessness. Let’s just hint at the idea that such massive destruction wasn’t an accident of nature. “Five massive firestorms just happened to start, fueled by heavy winds. Perfectly natural!”

Of course in LA, these fires could have been helped along by arsonists. The LA District Attorney said at a press conference that one person is under arrest for arson. Are there others who didn’t get caught? Maybe, but I don’t lend a lot of credence to this theory. A much better way to torch inconvenient facilities, or even cities, would be to start a “wildfire” from a satellite. (Directed energy weapon beams are invisible to the naked eye, but can be seen with infrared equipment.)

For that reason, it is possible that these weapons may have been deployed on Maui in 2023 and perhaps in Los Angeles in 2025. I cannot prove any of it, which is why I have labeled it a conspiracy theory. On the other hand, there is evil in the world. Exposing evil is important, otherwise it will continue. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” as the saying goes.

BTW, I checked out everything I could on Schriever SFB, but could only find standard-issue, vanilla websites that reveal nothing. That isn’t surprising. If Schriever SFB is really the home of DEW satellites, would the military base admit to deploying directed energy weapons on U.S. satellites against U.S. targets?

At this point you may be wondering, “Why doesn’t this guy STFU and admit that there are wildfires and sometimes they get out of control and burn stuff? Sometimes a wildfire is just a wildfire.”

Yes. But my intuition says that these explanations are lies, and that there is more to the story. As Martin Geddes says, you can understand that something is a lie without having positive proof. So let’s carry on.

Three Examples of  Deception

1. During the Lahaina burn down in 2023, Dr. Robert Malone published an interview with two native Hawaiian researchers who began, 15 years before, to study satellite weather data over the Hawaiian Islands.

Fast forward to 9:50 for visual evidence of suspected HAARP activity over Hawaii. Hurricane Dora was 500 miles from the islands and could not have cause the high winds and the smoke. Even a large hurricane only influences weather for 150 miles or so around the weather system. HAARP technology has been around since the mid-1990s.

Fast forward to 25 minutes into the video for visual evidence of suspected DEW activity, and images of U.S. Air Force planes with DEW installations.

No one knows how the Maui fires started. The electric company admitted that it had shut down power before the fires began, but re-energized one line “around 6:30am” that could have been the cause of the morning fire (there was another fire in that area in the afternoon around 3 p.m.) “However, According to Hawaiian Electric, Maui County firefighters had declared the morning fire extinguished before leaving the scene. When the second fire erupted in the same area around 3 p.m., the company said that all of its lines in West Maui were already de-energized.”

As far as I know, Lahaina is now being turned into a 15-minute “smart city.” Residents have been kicked out and you can’t even fly a drone over the area to observe what is going on there.

Apparently, the Lahaina burn-down is what happens when perfectly natural wildfires destroy an entire town.

2. The L.A. fires began with 100 mph winds blowing, spreading monster fires over the Pacific Palisades, then the surrounding areas. The origin of the fires is unknown, but they were supposedly fanned by the “Santa Ana winds.” Sure, Santa Ana winds can get pretty strong, but 100 mph? Entire municipalities have burned to the ground and as of this writing the fires have still not been contained. A man with a gas torch was discovered trying to set fires in one of the L.A. neighborhoods, but was captured by residents. Is this all coincidence? How did the L.A. fires really start? Why did insurance companies cancel policies in the area a few months before the fires started? Did L.A. officials sign a smart city contract, as was apparently done in Lahaina?

Let’s look at the sequence of events that led up to the L.A. fires. First, the fire department budget was cut. Second, the Palisades Reservoir was completely dry (and has been since 2019). Third, insurance companies canceled fire insurance policies in the area. And lastly, the annual fire hydrant testing for fiscal year 2024/2025 was suspended on Dec. 24, 2024.

In case you were wondering why the LA Fire Department budget was slashed, look no further than the top politician in California, Governor Gavin Newsom. A Newsweek story published on Jan 10, 2025 has this headline: Gavin Newsom Cut $100M from Fire Prevention Budget Before California Fires.  Here is a video of Gavin Newsom talking about the wildfires. Notice at the 10 second mark where he smiles when talking about speculators on Maui “coming in and buying up properties.” That is a good lead-in to our final point.

Citizen Journalist George Webb and his group of researchers pointed out that a Chinese AI company, Deep Seek Labs, was conducting a Live Exercise for wildfire prevention in Southern California: “Do you remember California Governor Gavin Newsom having a press conference about Deep Seek Labs doing an AI fire prevention system in Los Angeles before the breakout of the disastrous fires raging now?”

Click on the above link and read this article, it will blow your mind.

What I read and see tells me that these fires are not natural, but I have no proof. Nevertheless, it is apparent to me that our country is under attack, and has been for at least the last three or four years. When entire cities burn down, that is no coincidence: it’s a plan. When acts of public violence occur almost every day, that’s part of a plan.

The L.A. burndown, which some residents called “Apocalyptic,” are called “wildfires” by the mainstream news (just as in Lahaina) as a way of explaining the torching of entire municipalities and populations. To me this is absurd and ridiculous, but it is accepted by a population that is used to being gaslighted and propagandized.

3. And then there is Hurricane Helene – a manipulated weather event to grab pure quartz and lithium. If you don’t want to gag, don’t click on the link (or you can read the article and understand the motivation of the “deep state”.) And yes, the Pentagon knows how to manipulate the weather. Folks, it aint “climate change,” which is just a fake cover story for the kind of destructive events whose purpose is to capture and monetize resources no matter the cost. How likely is it that predators will move into the LA area and buy all of that scorched land for pennies on the dollar? Just as Governor Newsom said. It has already happened in North Carolina.

Martin Geddes said that “You can be confident that a narrative is a lie (or partial truth) because it is inconsistent with the presented evidence, yet at the same time not know what the truth really is.” In the case of what started the Maui fires and the L.A. fires, we don’t know the truth. With Helene, we do know what the truth is. It’s just so horrible that hardly anyone can confront it. That’s the thing about evil – the bigger it is, the more people are frightened and turn away from it. But evil must be confronted or it will continue.

The US is under Assault

This is just a small sample of what is happening in our country today. We are confronted by entire cities burning down, mass murders in New Orleans, power plants blowing up in Texas, Tesla trucks burning down in front of hotels, huge drone swarms over New Jersey and Maryland (I saw one of these huge drones in Michigan as I walked out of a restaurant during the Christmas holidays), psychopaths setting fires to women in subways as people walk by, unconcerned, and weaponized weather events. These are not “coincidences.” The United States and its people are under full-scale assault. The narratives deployed to explain them are lies.

Our population has been thoroughly indoctrinated. We are on our third generation of dumbed-down children under Jimmy Carter’s (God rest his soul) Department of Education (started in 1980).  When you get the third generation, it’s over. Now you have children, their parents, and their grandparents all following the party line, unable to engage in critical thinking, unable to discern truth from lies, unable to understand that they are following programmed narratives. There is no one left to tell the truth, no one left to teach the kids the basic knowledge necessary to navigate successfully through life.

But we aren’t there yet. There is still hope.

Reason for Optimism

Fortunately, there is reason for optimism. Events like the L.A. fires are a massive wake-up call to the sleeping masses.

Whatever happens on this planet happens first in the United States because we are the only country in the world that recognizes in its founding documents that human rights are divinely granted, not dispensed by the State. This drives the psychotics, the psychopaths, the forces of Darkness, absolutely mad. And so they do mad things, feeling threatened by the Light.

We are seeing the perishing of the old system, the Death Cult that creates war, a medical system that poisons the people  through vaccination, and corrupt political institutions that have been bought off by power-mad billionaires and their corporate lackeys.

We the People are being forced to wake up.

All of this is right up in our faces now. And it’s going to continue.

There is no turning back from an awakening of consciousness on a planetary scale. Never in human history have we experienced a Shift like we are going through.

We are on a completely different track of history now. We are living through a completely unique time. The past and its lessons are for an old time track. Their old, tired methods of hate and destruction will no longer work. Their time is up and they know it. The Nazis, the Communists, the dictators, the power-mad psychopaths, are all on their way out. But they are leaving not with a whimper, but a very large bang.

During the Shift, the past karma of humanity has no power to affect us, unless we re-create it. Past performance is no indicator of future results, as the financial advertisements say.

As bizarre as it sounds to write this, the karmic slate of humanity can be cleansed, all 6,000 years of it. We are seeing the cleaning up of karma on a planetary scale through these destructive events. As I have written before, every human who has ever had a lifetime on earth is on the planet now – all 8 billion of us. It’s all playing out on the Big Stage. The Old Souls who have been here hundreds or thousands of times, and those of us with self awareness, understand this on a very deep level. This understanding is gradually being transferred to everyone through the crazy events of our time.

This Shift is the last great upheaval of humanity before we either kill ourselves off, or make it past the Barrier. The Barrier confronts all emerging civilizations in this galaxy. It is what the movie “Forbidden Planet” calls overcoming the “monsters of the id,” the species consciousness and karma of humanity that has been created through millennia of history. 

 The human race will continue to experience massive “wake up call” events until even the sleeping, indoctrinated normies wake up from the hallucinations provided by mass media and “pop culture.”

During this time, self-aware persons can follow the advice of Martin Geddes. Understand that lies are, on the surface, more evident than truth. Trust your intuition, and be comforted that the Shift we are going through is an inevitable step on the road to higher consciousness. The filthy closet of human karma needs to be cleaned out, but we have been granted the dispensation of a new time track of history.

We don’t have to re-create the past, we can create a beautiful and prosperous future.

[1] From a paper written in 2003, by the Air University at Maxwell AFB in Alabama: “Several nations are engaging in development and production of directed energy weapons. Recent scientific advances now enable the production of lethal lasers and high-powered microwaves. The current growth and development in this emerging area strongly suggests that directed energy weapons of lethal power will reach the battlefield before 2010. Since proliferation of lower power laser weapons has already happened, it is likely that proliferation of high power or high energy weapons will occur as well.” https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Portals/10/CSAT/documents/OP/csat32.pdf

Directed Energy Weapons  have been deployed on satellites and in ground-based mobile systems.

[2] From an interview by Ashton Foirbes with John Brandenberg, PhD.  Brandenberg worked in classified programs at Sandia National Laboratory from 1981-85.

“So you knew we had directed energy weapons back in the 1980s?”

“Oh, absolutely. It was a big program at Livermore and Sandia.”

“You think they could shoot them off of satellites? Where do you think  they were connected to, these directed energy weapons?”

 “The directed energy weapons we worked with were electron beam weapons. We were focused on shooting down missiles.... it was the idea of protecting ships like aircraft carriers from cruise missiles. An electron beam hits a lot harder than a laser. When you hit something with a laser mostly the energy bounces off  and reflects, but the electron beam would go right through it.”  

[3] The Space Delta 15 unit at Schreiver  “plays a vital role in safeguarding U.S. space assets and interests.” DEL 15’s role is to “Ensure the integrity and functionality of national security, communication, and navigation satellites against potential threats, Continuously evolve tactics and technologies to counter emerging threats in the space domain, and maintain a comprehensive understanding of the space environment, including potential hazards and adversarial activities.”

How else are you going to “counter emerging threats in the space domain” unless you use energy weapons?