Daily Archives: May 24, 2024


In this little essay I want to talk about where technology is taking us, and the Bigger Picture for humanity and our planet. First I want to talk about the rapid advances in technology, which are altering our economies and our societies. I believe that this startling acceleration of change is not accidental, but forced.

Technological Overdependence

What will human society be like in an advanced technological future?

Advanced technology has already led to the Internet of Things, where devices of every sort are connected globally, and subject to central control. Central control is the hallmark of advanced technology because it allows for the anti-social element to organize and centralize the population. Central control inevitably leads to a loss of personal freedoms. If resource depletion and pollution continue unabated, it will lead inevitably to a forced reorganization or restructuring of society in order for the population to survive. That reorganization is already underway.

Human societies have always had the option to choose freedom and democracy, or to choose societies based on dominance and control. With few exceptions, we have always chosen the latter. Our centralizing world, with its censorship and wars for resources, is demonstrating the dominance and control paradigm on a global scale.

That is unfortunate, for centralized societies are very rigid socially, and present very few choices or opportunities for individuals. An advanced technological society would not be a happy one, for it would inevitably lead to the suppression of the individual.

Today, dependence on technology is increasing. One might say that technology is almost worshipped. Paths that lead away from technology are being discouraged; paths that lead toward it are lavishly funded.

But there is a downside to technological dependence. In the words of Marshall Viann Summers,

Whatever you are in relationship with influences you, and you become more like it. If your primary relationship is with technology, you become more machine-like yourself—thinking only along certain corridors of understanding, basing your information only on certain precepts, controlling your mind, limiting your mind, ignoring your greater powers and your greater insights. Rational self-control and human logic become very machine-like in this regard. This conformity and rigidity is highly promoted amongst most advanced technological races in the universe.”

The Allies of Humanity briefings, “Technology and the Different Paths to Stability”

More importantly, the more advanced a society becomes technologically, the more spiritual and ethical awareness declines, for the reasons given above. Look at the current world environment, which in some places is descending into barbarism.

There are two kinds of knowledge. The first is mere data and information, the second is knowledge with a capital K, which represents understanding based on the wisdom to apply technology for everyone’s benefit.

The Transhumanists have cheerfully and deliberately embraced advanced technology to the point where they want to abandon themselves as biological beings connected to the Creator, the source of all Knowledge. Transgenderism, where the body is mutilated, is one result of this approach.

Transhumanism is one fork for human evolution, but it is a dead-end fork. I talked about this in the last post: Experiment with technology on the human body and find out what happens. FAFO. 

The other fork is a rational and sane use of technology to help society and all of its members.

Technology presents a difficult problem: A sane technological society would be politically and economically decentralized, yet the natural evolution of technology almost begs for a centralized hub of control. The centralization-decentralization debate represents domination and control on the one hand, and personal freedom and opportunity on the other.

So what’s it going to be?

The Bigger Bigger Picture

Those of us who think about the Big Picture understand that we must expand our conception of human existence beyond this little rock, for there is a big, wide galaxy out there filled with intelligent life. Once a world develops a technological infrastructure, it proves that the beings on it are intelligent enough to be valuable to the galactic community. Such a world becomes an emerging candidate on the doorstep of the galaxy, and is noticed. If that planet is rich in biological and environmental resources, it becomes a great prize.

Personally, I see a guiding hand coming from above, you might say. There seems to be a Plan to use advanced technology to destroy personal liberties and liberal democracy on this planet, and as far as I can see it is being flawlessly executed.

Doesn’t it seem odd that the rapid changes on our world are all going in only one direction? One day we wake up and experience a global “pandemic” that scares the crap out of 8 billion people, and is organized so flawlessly that lockdowns, school closings, pseudoscientific “6 feet apart” social distancing, and “two weeks to flatten the curve” junk science. Experimental gene altering and untested medical countermeasures (“vaccines”) are not only encouraged and widely accepted, but also mandated, and all of it seems not only inevitable and rational at the time. The next day we wake up to find that speech is being censored on all social media platforms. Ten million immigrants are being bused and flown in to our cities from every corner of the world, and no one says anything. And it goes on and on. Do you remember voting on this? On any of it? No. It is being imposed. By whom?

In human relations, conspiratorial plans – particularly ones that involve very large groups of people – never succeed because human beings are too independent and ornery and seek personal advantage.

Yet this world is being rapidly centralized, and it’s happening much faster than any squabbling “elitist” human group could ever accomplish. We are experiencing massive social upheavals that are changing the entire planet, far beyond the reach and scope of any human group of activists or conspirators. Some intelligence with a global view, and the means to accomplish it, is working swiftly and expertly. There is a guiding hand somewhere and I don’t think it’s the WEF or the WHO or the Committee of 300, or any other conspiratorial human group. None of these groups are that smart or that organized or have that much power.

So where is this new direction coming from? Global events involving billions of people are being choreographed almost as if we are living in a stage play. And the actors willingly comply as if the play was a fait accompli. The intelligence or intelligences directing events on this planet are master psychologists, and seem to have an almost flawless understanding of human consciousness.

I don’t think it is irrational to ask whether human affairs are being helped along by forces outside the planet. It’s something to consider and perhaps even prepare for. But how do we prepare to enter a galaxy we know nothing about?

The Emerging Earth

The earth is emerging onto the galactic stage. This galaxy is five billion years old, so likely it is not empty, waiting for us to fly around and colonize other planets. The greater probability is that it’s full up with other worlds with intelligent life, just like the earth.

We have no idea what we will face out there, but what if the galactic presence is already here? (This is the subject of my latest novel, The Intervention.)

Our resource-rich and lush planet, and our 8-billion-strong workforce, are all valuable assets. Just sayin’.

I think it is naive to believe that all worlds in the galaxy are composed of advanced angelic beings, ready and willing to take humanity under their wing and guide us to peace and prosperity.

As above, so below.

The Declaration of Independence for Earth

Popular movies and TV programs have been telling us about the galactic presence for decades. It’s time we listened and responded.

Humanity can prepare for the galactic presence by getting organized. We have to do this not because it is a “nice” thing to do, but because our planet has been noticed. It is finally time to jettison our naive belief that the earth is alone in an empty universe.

We will have to organize anyway, for 6,000 years of fighting and killing each other has to stop. Our problems are too large now, and can only be solved by coming together as a species in a massive global program that supports and encourages life and dismantles the endless war machine. The human race must become good custodians for our planet. We don’t have a choice anymore. 

The Game we are playing is bigger than the petty parochial human conflicts on earth. These conflicts may be influenced by other worlds and other intelligences who see humanity, and this beautiful planet, as valuable assets.

Eventually, like the U.S. colonies back in the 18th century, we can agree on a Declaration of Independence for earth. This Declaration would pronounce that we, the human race, declare the earth to be sovereign. That we refuse to tolerate intervention from other worlds, declare all interlopers persona non grata, and order anyone not born on earth to leave. This would be a legal declaration to whatever intelligences are out there on other worlds.

A science fiction writer once said, “The first step in handling anything is gaining the ability to face it.”  For now, let’s open our eyes to a galaxy that we are entering whether we like it or not.