A spherical hologram is generated not on the 2 dimensional surface of a flat, light sensitive plate, but on the surface of a 3 dimensional sphere. Such a hologram would exhibit amazing and unexpected properties, and be as far superior to a standard 2 dimensional holographic image as a child's drawing is to the intricacies and complexity of a high-definition image.
Dr. Martins showed that the 2 dimensional boundary of a spherical hologram does indeed describe the reality of our 3 dimensional universe, so vividly that it is indistinguishable from reality.
When Jack extended his theory to encompass the Holographic Principle -- and postulated that the universe we see through our telescopes may not exist -- he was pilloried by the scientific community and the popular media. There was only one problem: when a probe was sent out to Alpha Centauri, as part of NASA's deep-space exploration program, the probe disappeared at exactly the spot where Martins predicted the boundary of a theoretical spherical hologram 4.618 light years in diameter! A second probe also disappeared at the exact same spot.
As the earth descends into chaos and Jack Martins' own turbulent life comes crashing down around his ears, humanity discovers the truth about the universe and what's really "out there!"