The Big Picture Newsletter

July 2023
Vol 18, #7

The purpose of the Big Picture Newsletter is to celebrate the spiritual nature of human beings. We are dedicated to dissolving the myth of the randomness of life, and the materialistic nature of consciousness. We believe that every human being is an aspect of God, a powerful creator and orchestrator of his or her life experience.

In this Issue:

Turning Inside Out
Suggest a topic! Email Ken


The Vibrational Universe

A detailed and practical explanation of consciousness, the five universal principles, and how to use them in daily life  




Conversations with My Higher Self

Answers to spiritual questions beyond the body reality


I Love You Dad

Ken's conversation with his father the day after he died  

Just released

The Intervention

The Galaxy Has Discovered Spaceship Earth


The History of the Future

What will happen if humanity embraces Transhumanism?



The Old Soul

An Esoteric History of Earth for the past 200,000 years



Tesla's Lost Notebook

The long lost personal notebook of the great inventor Nikola Tesla is discovered by a scientist who changes the world


The End of the Universe

(Second Edition)

What if the universe is actually a sophisticated holographic illusion?


Beyond The Beginning

(Second Edition)

The story of the unfolding evolution of consciousness on planet earth.


The Manchild

(Second Edition)

An airborne virus is released on an unsuspecting population. Written 10 years ago, this book unknowingly foreshadowed the current pandemic.



The Complete Library

An 11 e-Book collection.
A comprehensive overview of the spirit/ mind/ body framework.


See Ken's movies for free!

Go to The Big Picture website
and click on the links.


Miracles Can Happen

Can a child's love save her father's life?


Geometry and Sacred Geometry

Get Inside the Mind of Nature -- Discover the simple but powerful mathematics of the underlying geometric figures that shape our world.


Turning Inside Out

the world is being transformed but it's not always comfortable

From a post on my Substack


As the institutions in our government collapse under the weight of their own corruption, clear-headed persons understand that we are in an information/narrative war.
The “news” is simply narrative promotion. FOX, MSNBC, NPR, the MSM news networks, and the alt-news outlets are all promoting their own version of events, but no one is really interested in the truth. This chaos is a result of a consciousness shift on the planet.

A consciousness shift is the independent decision by billions of individuals to throw away the old beliefs in conflict and struggle to solve human problems, and to embrace a more cooperative solution. We see this happening with the BRICS nations as they try to organize an alternative to the U.S. dollar, which has been inflated and devalued due to massive government overspending (Joe Biden’s 2023 budget is $6.8 trillion, which has a built-in  deficit of around $2 trillion), and weaponized against countries the US doesn’t like.

The narrative battle in the media and on social media is a reflection of an old meme structure playing itself out. Fortunately, the collective shift in consciousness that has already occurred has allowed this war to be played out on a higher level: not in global kinetic conflict, but on the battlefield of ideas.

The internet is the platform for the resolution of the old belief system, not the earth itself, as in the 20th century and its global wars and massive death tolls. That in itself is a sign of tremendous progress.

Formal kinetic warfare between governments has disappeared, except for the horrible regional war in the Ukraine. Recall that in March of 2022, just weeks after the Russians invaded, a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia was largely agreed to, where Ukraine would permanently be a neutral state between NATO and Russia. An outline of this agreement can be found at CNN, in an article titled “Zelensky ready to accept peace agreement,” reported  that “Ukraine is ready to accept a neutral status as part of a peace deal with Russia, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday in an interview with Russian independent journalists. ‘Security guarantees and the neutral, non-nuclear status of our state. We are ready to accept this. This is the most important point,’ Zelensky said. Zelensky told the journalists that, ‘this was the first point of principle for the Russian Federation, as I recall. And as far as I remember, they started the war because of this.’ Any agreement would have to be put to the Ukrainian people in a referendum, he said. But Zelensky once again stressed his desire to reach a concrete peace agreement. ‘So this clause is a security guarantee clause for Ukraine. And since they say it's for them [security guarantees] as well, it's understandable to me, and it's being discussed. It's in-depth, but I'm interested in making sure it's not just another piece of paper,’  Zelensky added. ‘So we're interested in having that paper turned into a serious treaty to be signed.’”

In my opinion, the US didn’t like that agreement and sabotaged it, but that is neither here nor there. The important point is that formal kinetic conflict on the planet has been reduced to one regional area: the Bloodlands, a moniker for that area of the world where war has soaked the land with blood and death for centuries.

Turning the Old System of Beliefs Inside Out

The worldwide narrative battle on the internet is like an object being turned inside out. When you turn something inside out you expose the hidden inner structure of it; the stuff that no one wants you to see. In the consciousness shift, this process is involuntary. Meaning that the Light exposes the Dark, and there is nothing the Dark can do about it.
(To see how a sphere with a blue surface on the outside and a hidden yellow inside surface can be turned inside out, watch the first 23 seconds of this video. The same thing can happen to people and organizations: the deeply hidden parts are exposed.)

The consciousness shift is primarily an esoteric, spiritual contest. The forces of darkness cannot win this battle because their proponents have deliberately turned away from the light of their own souls. Light >>>> Dark.

The consciousness shift is the most powerful force on the planet because it mobilizes Light and Truth, all properties of the human soul and the powerful animating source that created and maintains the universe and everything in it. The decisions of almost 8 billion human beings (co-creators) is simply too powerful to be resisted by the small minority of people who are behind the Dark agenda (transhumanism, satanism, materialism).

Therefore the Light must win; it’s just a matter of time, and how much human suffering people will endure before it is fully rejected.

Although it appears that darkness and chaos rule, this is all part of the “turning inside out” process that the Light uses to expose the Dark.

Hande Atay Alam and Josh Pennington, “Zelensky says Ukraine is ready to accept neutral, non-nuclear status,” CNN, March 27, 2022, at







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Ken is a freelance writer and editor who lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Since childhood, Ken has been thinking about the Big Picture and how to increase spiritual understanding in the world. (Ken's Personal Website) (Professional Editing Services)

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