This reading was done for a woman in 1998. At that ime she was 26 years old. It is a very complex reading because that's how her numbers worked out. Your reading may not be so involved, but I wanted you to see how in-depth these reading can go.

Reading for ***** ******** ******

Beginning Notes:

I have tried to present a document which would say most of what I would say if this were a face-to-face meeting. Your reading is complex because of the interaction of the numbers.

The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like. When a being incarnates on earth, each thought, each decision, and each action leaves a vibrational impression within the species consciousness: a grid of subtle energy that surrounds the earth. Every expression during a physical lifetime is recorded, and leaves an imprint with your name and energy on it. When you re-incarnate, that energetic impression attaches to you, under the universal principle of 'like attracts like.'

The Life Path is determined by a combination of the time and place of a persons birth and the birthname, as well as free will choices and the birth environment. Anything in this reading that you perceive as non-optimum CAN be changed. That's the whole point of living!

There are 4 "core" elements to this reading, and some modifiers to these core elements. The core is the heart of the reading. I will be describing these in order of importance. Since the Life Path is most important, I will be spending some time explaining it.


Name : ***** ********* ******
Birth Date: October 30, 1971

The Life Path is the Major Lesson to be experienced in this life, the central focus of a person's existence. It is the most important of all of the attributes we will be describing. It is 40% of the core energies.


Central Focus: The subject must learn the advantage of order and aystem in accomplishing her work. She must also learn the rewards of service. She'll probably be involved in practical, down-to-earth work. Having determined where her duty lies, she must proceed with hard the work at hand, patiently and dependably.

The subject must learn to live with the law of limitation. She will be aware of limitation in her life - limitation of the environment, of the physical body, of her individual viewpoint. Often, the subject may feel that circumstances limit her more than they limit others. She must learn how to live not in spite of the limitations, but in harmony with the limitations. She must learn to accept the restrictions rather than struggle with them. Her life can then develop on a deep and beautiful path.

Understanding the 22/4 Life Path:

22/4's sometimes have strong tendencies to over-cooperate, giving their all and then falling into resentment and withdrawal. Their ambitions can also create blind spots, so they tend to skip necessary steps on the path to their goal. When 22/4's run into problems, they need to determine which step they skipped and re-do it; no challenge is too great IF they break it down into small, manageable portions. Nearly all 22/4's have strong analytical and structuring capacities, but when used to excess, their mind tends to whirl in over-analysis or compulsive worrying until it finally shuts down and reactive emotions or impulsive action take over. Impulsive actions then lead to regrets. The aim should be to blend mind and emotions, balance logic with intuition, rather than resorting to extremes. When 22/4's feel confused, they benefit from writing their ideas down and then trusting their instincts - their gut feeling - for final decisions.

There are 2 ways to live any life - emphasizing the positive potential or emphasizing the negative potential. We'll discuss both:

Working 22/4 in the Positive:

Such a person is clear-thinking and centered, can accomplish anything by a process of small steps. When they fail, they learn from their mistakes and don't repeat them. They live from a stable center of internal harmony and cooperation. They serve others only to the point where they feel good and clear about their service. Relaxed and relatively free of stress, they allow their body to relax into life; their mind focuses on the present as they plan the next small step.

Working 22/4 in the Negative:

These persons always seem to verge on the edge of one crisis or another. They are frequently frantic, even hysterical. They experience inner confusion and stress; and often make impulsive decisions that they later regret. But they stubbornly hold their course and repeat the same mistakes. Their forceful, rigid views create anger when others don't do what these individuals think they should. They overgive to the point of depletion. They form intense relationships, which they throw themselves into at first and then cut themselves off from, feeling alienated and resentful. Generally impatient, they want to get everything done NOW, without going through the necessary step-by-step process.
Generally, these traits result from the feeling of limitation the 22/4 feels. She/he will feel tied down somehow, and often frustrated.

Characteristics of people on the 4 Life Path:

* Practical

* Capable of systematizing and managing. Can produce order where little existed

* Willingness to work long and hard. Patient with detail. Very conscientious. Often seems to do better with difficult problems than with simpler work. Often seems to make the work harder by their peculiar approach. But, nevertheless, is capable of completing the work

* Serious approach. Honest and sincere. Responsible

* Strong likes and dislikes. Strong expression of what is right and wrong

* Fixity of approach. This can range from the positive expression of great courage to the negative expression of extreme stubbornness, as mentioned above. Others see the 4 as somewhat rigid, but the 4 rarely sees that in herself.

Commentary on the 4 Life Path:

This is a difficult Path for some people. Few individuals will want to live with limitations. The usual reaction is to fight the restrictions rather than to accept them. ALL 4's feel a sense of limitation. Only when they recognize the positive values inherent in limitation will their lives become growing and vital. The acceptance of limitation is the beginning of overcoming it! Limitation is often in the eye of the beholder. What feels limiting to the 4 may not look so to an outside observer.

The Expression is a person's natural abilities. These natural abilities are what we have to work with as we move along the broad channel of the Life Path. These natural abilities and talents are significant in determining the type of work in which a person will be most productive and content. Represents 30% of the core energies.


Your natural abilities lie along these lines:

* Good mind, good intuition

* Capable of analyzing, judging, discriminating

* Searches for wisdom or hidden truths. Often becomes authority on subjects that interest her - technical, scientific, religious or spiritual

* Potential to be educator, philosopher, researcher

* Spiritual awareness (often latent). May be involved in psychic explorations or metaphysical activities

* Operates on "different" wavelength which may give unique approaches and solutions to problems. (It also may make it difficult for others to know the person well).

Positive potential of the 7 Expression:

* Perfectionist. When carried to extremes, as it may well be, the tendency may interfere with the work at hand

* Very logical, rational approach. Approach shows little emotion

* Willing to work to understand deep, difficult subjects, to search for hidden fundamentals
* Potential to be peaceful and poised; usually achieved at maturity or after

Of course, the type of work you do will be more influenced by the Life Path than the Expression, but this gives you a good idea what your innate talents are! More on this later.

The Soul Urge is a person's inner motivation; what she really wants to be, to have, and to do. For most people, the Soul Urge is below the surface, rarely expressed openly. As we proceed along the broad channel of the Life Path, we are guided by the motivations of the Soul Urge. Represents 20% of the core energies.


Explanation: The person would like a life of freedom, excitement, unexpected happenings, unusual adventures, travel. She doesn't want to be governed by standard values or traditions. She wants to be the one to set the pace.

Positive attitudes of the 5 Soul Urge:

* Very adaptable and versatile

* Natural resourcefulness, enthusiasm

* Capable of bringing new excitement into her interests

* Progressive approach, strong feelings

* Good mind and imagination

Negative attitudes of the 5 Soul Urge:

* Restless and impatient. Dislikes routine and detail work

* Jumps from interest to interest, activity to activity

* Discards quickly to go on to the new. Rarely holds to anything

* May have difficulty with responsibility

Note: using the 5 energy in a negative fashion will be directly in opposition to your Life Path, and make things much harder for you. But using this energy in a positive way will make the lesson of Limitation and Service much easier!

Next is the BIRTHDAY. The Birthday is a sub-lesson to be experienced in this life, a sub-focus along the main Life Path experience. It represents 10% of the core energies, and is the least influential of the core elements.


People born on the 30th day of the month may have the following characteristics:

* Talent with words - writing, speaking, singing

* Can sell or entertain
* Very artistic, very creative, fine imagination

* Expresses joy of living

* Enthusiastic, optimistic, cheerful

* Very friendly and sociable

* Excellent conversationalist

* Very energetic

* Very affectionate and loving

* Strong feelings may cause upsets

* Scatters energy

* Can be involved with trivial or superficial matters

* Many interests, but may be bored easily

* May not take care of work or responsibility, if indicated by other numbers (We'll discuss this).

Now we get to the Karmic Debts. A Karmic Debt is a significant difficulty in this life as a result of the imprinted actions from previous lifetimes.

A being wishes to experience life in all of its forms - sometimes this may require more than one lifetime! If a being feels that it hasn't yet satisfactorily experienced a certain energy, the person will elect to re-do the lesson, but make it more difficult. Sort of like messing up on an exam, and taking it over again, but with harder questions!

Note: As the vibration within the species consciousness increases, it is increasingly becoming possible to transcend all Karmic Debts in the present lifetime!

You have 2 Karmic Debts, one in your Life Path, and one in the Soul Urge.

The Karmic Debt in your Life Path developed from a lack of application to work requiring accomplishment in a past life - dawdling in frivolous activity, sidestepping work, burdening others with your rightful share of work. As a result, at least to START OUT in life, you would tend to exhibit the Negative traits of the 4 Life Path, as described above. Your approach would tend to be rigid, dogmatic and obstinate. You would feel limited and restricted, even perhaps feeling boxed in on all sides.
The Karmic Debt would make it more difficult than normal for a person on the 4 Life Path to change course to a more positive direction.

In this life, you will continue to meet with substantial difficulties unless you work hard, harder than your share, a good part of the time. You must apply yourself to the work at hand, be aware of the larger picture while still completing all of the details. You must accept the sometimes stringent limitations produced by the inordinate work load. Awareness of this Karmic Debt should prevent you from looking for easier directions, and should also aid in finding positive and constructive paths for development. If, on the other hand, you choose to be lazy, indifferent, negative, or involved with trivia, the problems will be magnified.

On a positive note, be aware that all Karmic Debts can be and almost always are overcome!
There is another Karmic Debt in the Soul Urge. This is less significant than the one in the Life Path, but still important. It developed from a misuse of freedom in a past life. You may have found freedom for yourself at others' expense or in a manner destructive to your own interests. You may have been involved in physical pleasures to the detriment of your development. You would tend to exhibit the traits of the negative 5, listed above in "Negative attitudes of the 5 Soul Urge." It means that at least to START OUT in your life, your personal relationships may be marked by unexpected delays and interruptions. If you tend toward impatience, or have a light view of resonsibility, the problems will be magnified.

I emphasized START OUT in life above, because all Karmic Debts can be worked through. Once a person works through the Debt, it no longer has an effect on the persons life.

You may have already worked through, or made substantial progress on, both of your Debts.

It is interesting to see how effective are the Life Path energies, natural abilities, and motivations that you were born with:

4 Life Path - 7 Expression = -3 (nothing bad about negative numbers).

Means that your abilities are greater than your opportunities.

You'll probably have fewer opportunities to use your abilities than you would like, and the opportunities you do get may come to you in an unclear or deceptive form. Learn to evaluate your opportunities and to perceive when more is promised than can be delivered. If you have deceived yourself or been deceived, don't continue but move to another lead! You'll probably have to develop your talents on your own - the people and surroundings will only rarely provide help. Develop faith in your own capabilities. Have patience even though your development proceeds more slowly than you would prefer.

4 Life Path - 5 Soul Urge = -1.

Means that you have an effective balance between your motivations and your opportunities.

You are well motivated to recognize and take advantage of your opportunities. You make the most of experiences which come your way. You are usually on the lookout for ways to best develop yourself, ways to satisfy your inner desires.

7 Expression - 5 Soul Urge = 2.

Means that you have an effective balance of abilities and motivations.

You are aware of your capabilities and have the incentive to use these talents to aid in your development. You know how to fit your capabilities in where you can shine. You are motivated to display and develop your abilities with much advantage to yourself.

Overall Effectiveness = 6.

This is a very good number. The only problem is that you have greater abilities than opportunities. This probably relates to your Life Path (Limitation, Service) and the Karmic Debt in the Life Path, emphasizing hard work and limitation even more.

Let's look at how your birth energies harmonize with each other. This will give you another indication of how easy it is for you to accomplish your Life Path.

 Life Path, 7 Expression.

These energies are normally harmonious, because the potential of the 4 for system and order enhances the potential of the 7 for study and research. (Sometimes, the rigidness of the 4 combined with the introspective potential of the 7 produces a very self-centered approach and difficulty in relating to others).

4 Life Path, 5 Soul Urge.

These energies are usually discordant, because the potential of the 4 for system and order usually conflicts with the strong desire of the 5 for freedom.

7 Expression, 5 Soul Urge. Usually these 2 energies are discordant, since the strong desire of the 5 for freedom conflicts with the introspective approach and potential of the 7 for study and research.

Overall analysis:

You were born with the 4 , 7, 5 and 3 energies. The 4 Life Path energy means you have the ability to organize, to work hard and concentrate on the task at hand. The 7 energy means you have a fine analytical mind, an inner spiritual awareness, the ability to find hidden truths, and the ability to research even difficult subjects.

The 5 energy in the Soul Urge gives you versatility and adaptability, and an original approach to solving problems. This is really a powerful combination! You could become expert in technical, scientific, or metaphysical fields. You also have the creative 3 energy, meaning you have artistic talents and an ability to express them. Often this manifests in a gift for words, blending nicely with the 7 energy. Working all of these energies in a positive way can mean great success and tremendous personal development.

You have given yourself a significant obstacle to overcome however, with the 2 Karmic Debts described above. These may force you to work harder than you wish, and may restrict your viewpoint and cause feelings of limitation. You may start out in life with a tendency toward restlessness and impatience, with a tendency to scatter your energies. At this stage of your life, you may still be working off these Karmic Debts and your progress may be slower than you'd like. Persevere, do the work that is presented even though it may not be completely satisfying.

You may find that doing work which relies on your intuition, mind and inner awareness will be the most rewarding. Try to become aware of the excitements of the spiritual forces which can be used for your advantage. If you can do this, you can find satisfaction and accomplish much!
Also, your versatility and adaptability should help to see you through any difficult periods in your life.

Karmic Lessons and the modifiers.

In order to do this we show your Intensity Table: This is basically just a list of all of the possible energies a person can have, and how much you have of each one of them (at birth). We'll be commenting on them later.
* indicates a Karmic Lesson

Energy Your score Average   Description
1 5 3 +2 Achievement, Independence
2 2 1 +1 Relation, Cooperation
3 2 1-2   Joy of Living, self-expression
4 1 1   Order. Limitation. Service
5 4 3-5   Constructive Freedom
6 1 1-2   Balance, Responsibility, Love
7 1 1   Analysis, Understanding
8 0 1 -1 Material satisfaction (money)
9 3 2-3   Selflessness, Humanitarianism

The Karmic Lesson represents energy to which a person has not been exposed in previous lifetimes, or to which the soul feels that it has not had enough of in previous lifetimes.
You have 1 Karmic Lesson, the 8 energy. This is the energy of
MATERIAL SATISFACTION, or achieving success monetarily, and in business.

The Karmic Lesson exists because in past lives, you showed a lack of awareness of the practical necessities of life including the need to earn and use money. Your attitude toward money will affect how easily you can experience this Lesson. In this life, you need to learn to handle your own material affairs and make reasonable and practical judgments about your finances. Until you learn how to do this with ease, you'll probably feel significantly limited in your ability to find complete satisfaction with yourself.

Let's look at what your Intensity Table tells us:

Five 2's. (+2 over average). Means that you feel it is important to follow your own desires and get your needs met. Because of your 4 Life Path (limitation, restriction, necessity to work hard) you will probably feel frustration if you can't meet those needs. 5 or more of the 1 energy also indicates a good possibility of self-centeredness and/or a tendency toward domination. If true, these will block possibilities for growth.

Two 2's. (+1 over average). Means:

* Most considerate of others. Helpful, cooperative and friendly. Expresses a tactful, diplomatic manner in most situations

* Very sensitive. As a child and young adult, apt to be shy and retiring

* Must work to resolve one of the 3 below:

* Feelings of subservience OR

* Feelings of inferiority OR

* Inner fear of others

* Good with details

* Appreciation of the arts

* Emotional


Now we'll be looking at some other modifiers to your basic energies, and doing a little prediction as to what is coming up in your life.

The first modifier is the Challenge Number .

The Challenge is an obstacle encountered in the early years of life, at least. The Challenge can sometimes recur throughout the life, especially if the lesson is not learned. Since you are 27 now, this is not as important as it once was. I mention it because your Challenge number is 4, the energy of Order, Limitation, Service, the same as your Life Path. This Challenge emphasizes learning to work hard and well, to accomplish tasks with patience, understanding, practicality, to be aware of the details and be able to work within the parameters of a given schedule.

The Growth Number describes the energy which will illuminate the essence of a person's experiences and help expand your development along your Life Path.

Your Growth Number is 5, the energy of Constructive Freedom. The 5 energy is about versatility and adaptability, trying new things. The Growth Number is saying that your ability to be versatile and adaptable will help you with the hard work and service you are likely to encounter.

Even more significant is your Maturity Number.

The Maturity Number describes a sub-lesson introduced at maturity. If you think of the Life Path, or main lesson , as a highway, then the Maturity Number represents a widening of the highway during the mature years. Your Maturity Number is 11, the energy of ILLUMINATION. This is a Master number, existing on a higher spiritual plane than the single digit energies, and indicates heightened spiritual awareness and psychic powers. 11's are the clairvoyants, seers, psychics of the world. The 11 is a natural progression from the 7. Your natural talents are the 7 energy (see Expression), so you have the potential to develop these powers to a great height!

Now let's look at your Temperament.

The Temperament describes the disposition or basic viewpoint the person has. It basically acts as a "filter", and determines the portion of your core energy potential you are likely to use and the kind of use you can make of that portion. Here is your chart:

Physical Average (2)

Mental Strong (6)

Emotional Strong (7)

Intuitive Average (4)


The Physical component is represented by the body and deals with the senses. The Physical viewpoint is concerned with material matters, practical affairs, physical adventures (not necessarily physical strength or longevity).

The Mental component deals with thinking, reasoning, logic and facts. The Mental viewpoint is concerned with mental activities, business enterprises, political affairs.
The Emotional viewpoint is concerned with feelings, affection, artistic endeavors, creativity, imagination.

The Intuitive component is represented by the spirit, deals with inner awareness. The Intuitive viewpoint is concerned with non-material experience - spiritual, religious, metaphysical - and ultimate wisdom.

The Strong components are Mental and Emotional. You also have a stronger than usual Intuitive component, almost reaching the Strong category as well. This is in line with your strong abilities for spiritual awareness. Your Temperament chart indicates a good balance between all 4 components, althought your Physical component has the weakest number; indicating that temperamentally you tend more to block things that deal with practical, material matters than anything else. Since your Life Path deals with practical affairs, this may tend to lead to avoidance of these matters.


Life Path Periods and Pinnacles.

These describe the background energies present in your life during the times indicated, as you proceed along your life path. They are not necessarily predictions, but descriptions of likely general trends in the life.

There are 3 Periods and 4 Pinnacles.

Life Path Period Age Energy Pinnacle Age Energy
1 0-23 1 1 0-32 4
327 24-59 3 2 33-41 3
3 60- ? 9 3 42-50 7
4     4 51-? 1


From now until the age of 32 you will likely be involved with practical matters, and working in a job which demands hard work. This is in line with your Life Path and Karmic Debt in this area. There will also be possibilities for artistic and creative expression, and light, enjoyable activities which encourage the pleasures and delights of living.

From the ages of 33 - 41 there will be doubled emphasis on artistic and creative expression, and for enjoying the delights and pleasures of life (your 2nd Life Path Period and your 2nd Pinnacle are the 3 energy). This ought to be a good period of your life!

It also indicates you will probably have worked off your 4 Karmic Debt by the time you get to age 33.
From the ages of 42 - 50, the energy will be good for study, and development of your inner awareness and spiritual abilities. This is strongly indicated, since you were born with the 7 Expression energy, as described earlier. This should occur in a friendly environment, since you are still in your 2nd Life Path Period with the creative 3 energy.

From the ages of 51 - 59, the energy will be good for personal achievement, based probably on whatever work you have been doing in the previous period from 42 onward. More than likely this work will have been in an area where you used your intuitive and spiritual abilities, or based on study or research done in that period. If you have been able to successfully develop your abilities, success is indicated in this type of work!

From 60 onward, the energy in your life is that of Selflessness and Humanitarianism, giving to others with no thought of reward or gain for yourself, doing it simply for the pleasure of giving. This is only speculation, but if the work from the previous 51 - 59 is successful, it could indicate philanthropic work. Or, perhaps, just a desire or a need for giving to others.

The latter part of your life will probably not be spent in idle retirement, but rather in more active fashion, helping others, and also facing personal challenges and changes.


The beginning part of your life starts out pretty tough, with 2 significant Karmic Debts. You'll have to work hard, harder than you'd like even, possibly doing work that isn't particularly fulfilling for you. You may scatter your energies, and feel impatient with the restrictions imposed by your Life Path . You may feel the need to jump from one new thing to another, without accomplishing a great deal. But if you can maintain a positive attitude through all of this and use your energies in a positive way, remembering to take things in a step-by-step fashion, you will be rewarded. From the age of 33 onward, the potential is there for a lot easier time. There is a significant creative period, followed by a period of spiritual development and an active older life. Hey, I always like to get the tough parts out of the way first. Hang in there!