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Thoughts On Consciousness


Awareness is potential. Consciousness is energy.

Awareness creates the vehicle of consciousness in order to experience itself.

Awareness is a potential with unlimited power and scope. It is what we have called God. Awareness is the Creator of all things. Consciousness is awareness via energy, which allows the awareness potential to experience in (time/space). Awareness is a quality, a potential, the creator of energy in which consciousness (itself energy) can experience.

All experience is energy interaction.

All experience is contained within the awareness of God. All beings presently experiencing anywhere in the universe are "part" of this ultimate potential, are a "piece" of God. Matter and energy were and are created by consciousness, under the direction or guidance of ultimate potential, or God. All beings are "part" of God, ARE God.

Consciousness is designed to limit awareness, in order to increase the quality of experience. If you knew everything all at once, why bother to do anything? You already know how it is going to come out. By limiting awareness, one focuses consciousness, making more and more intense experiences possible. More focus = less awareness of the broader picture = more intense experience. In a crisis, we often feel more alive. This is because we are forced to focus intensely.


So I believe that ultimately, who we are is a quality, not a quantity. Consciousness is actually a "shell" of energy (time/space) "around" our true Divinity/awareness which allows us to experience time/space and the physical. This is the best way I can describe it. Consciousness mimics the feeling of love that we are all intrinsically, while allowing us to EXPERIENCE in time/space all of the feelings and emotions that we could not experience in our true natures as qualities/Divinities/sparks of God [the Great Unmanifest]. This ultimate awareness

does not exist, because it is not energy, is not anything but Pure Awareness. It is a concept impossible to describe in a time/space universe (and certainly within the limited parameters of language), because in such a universe in order for something to be, it must exist, must have some quantity. But Pure Awareness, I am saying, has no quantity, does not "exist." It is pure creative potential.

If consciousness is energetic (as opposed to the pure potential of awareness), what is the energy of consciousness? I call it etheric, or non-physical energy. I call this energy of consciousness non-physical because it is undetectable by the human senses or by physical instrumentation. It is a refined energy vibrating at a very high frequency, so high that the body can comfortably accept only a portion of "stepped down" energy, like a transformer that takes voltage from the mains and attenuates it to be useful to an electronic device. In our non-physical awareness we are pure, positive life force energy. That’s the way it feels, anyway, so I call it positive, although the energy of consciousness is actually completely balanced, so it would be more accurate to call it "neutral" energy. I believe that humans are immortal beings of non-physical energy, temporarily focused in a human body, but part of a universal awareness. When we "die" we simply return that portion of our focus that was human to the greater consciousness of our "greater" selves. I’m not saying we lose our identity when this happens, far from it, we become MORE of who we are. The same energy that is focused into the body is the same energy that is not focused into the body. Light rays which are focused by a lens at a point of concentration are the same light rays that are floating around that focal point.
And so with consciousness.

Every level of consciousness (as distinguished from pure awareness) has a different vibratory pattern, and therefore a unique geometry. Each level of consciousness allows us to experience in a different way. We become "tuned" into different frequencies and so experience differently. But ultimately WE ARE NOT THESE ENERGIES.

Because we (as consciousness) exist in time/space we can also experience imperfections and non- harmonious energies. Vibrational patterns which are an inharmonious match to the inherent nature of our consciousness (hate, anger, jealousy, etc) allow us to experience things that we aren't, in order to emphasize, in comparison, our true natures as God (qualities). I say "allow us to experience who we aren't" because in our native state as Divinity we are perfect and always in perfect love, joy and bliss. We EXPERIENCE these not-harmonies through the vehicle of consciousness, but we ARE NOT these disharmonies, just as we are not consciousness, but pure potential.

I conceive of consciousness as a "shell" around this ultimate, potential awareness that allows us to experience energy -- so that we are able to see and feel the result of our creations. So by design consciousness, being energy, can be affected by its own creations! It is self-reflexive. Experience is just energy interaction between consciousness and the products of consciousness, designed by the creative potential of ultimate awareness.

All universes in which experience can occur have been designed by this awareness (pure potential) and are experienced through the vehicle of consciousness. Everything in these universes is composed of the energy of consciousness. Depending upon the density of each universe, the energy is more (high vibration) or less (slower vibration) refined. The energy and matter we see is just condensed consciousness. Therefore everything in our experience may be directed by us. We are in complete control of our experience, since our consciousness can affect the very substance of our universe, being composed of the same "stuff."

But the fundamental nature of who we are is Not(energy/time/space). It is not quantifiable. What we measure is NOT US, we are measuring the energy fields which make it possible for us to experience in the physical , and/or in time/space. No matter where we go in all of creation, in any universe, we are not in that universe. We are never in creation. We do not exist. WE ARE THE CREATORS. WE ARE QUALITIES – DIVINITIES. We were not "created" – we chose to be. Then we chose to experience. In order to do that we created energy which allowed our experiences to be infinite. But infinity is a limiting concept to a Divinity, because infinity describes something. We are not somethings – we are qualities. WE ARE.

Therefore we cannot be destroyed, we cannot ever be uncreated. BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING TO UNCREATE!!!! We cannot ever be taken apart, because there is no something there to perceive. We as Divinities are not consciousness – we are far greater than that. Even saying that is an untruth since being "greater than" implies existence, and thus, somethingness. Again, we are the Source, but anything we create is not us, nor will it or can it ever be. So those of you who worry about consciousness just being some energy pattern that can be uncreated – and therefore the essence of you being "snuffed out" -- that is not possible.

We have created our consciousness to experience space-time, but we are not that consciousness – we are the creators of ourselves. This implies reflexiveness, and this concept is mirrored in all life forms. The seed, larva, egg creates the plant//insect/animal/human which has inside of itself the same seed which contains the blueprint for another plant/insect/animal/human.

What humans attempt to measure with instruments is merely the energy of consciousness – but these instruments cannot measure pure potential, because pure potential does not exist. Yet it is the creator of everything!

Definition of consciousness – Source’s (ultimate awareness) way of experiencing. Or, those energy patterns which allow Source to experience itself in space/time. The energy of consciousness is designed to mimic the qualities of pure potential. This is why Love (= harmonious energy patterns) is the basis for all existence. In Source’s wisdom, the creation of energy as consciousness also allows for inharmonious patterns to exist, and thus be experienced by Source. Experiencing requires existence. Existence requires limits. Since Source does not exist, Means must be provided for the Divine to experience itself. This Means we call consciousness. Consciousness acts to limit awareness- of- everything- at- once.

The "levels" of consciousness are levels of individual self awareness. As individual "units" of consciousness ascend the "ladder" of consciousness we simply become aware of more of everything as part of us = greater self awareness. We allow more and more of the energies of All That Is to impinge upon us.

Imagine that we are the One, the Great Unmanifest. We exist in perfect bliss, in no-time and no-space. But we have no way to know how wonderful we are, because there is no differentiation. We are not aware of the infinity of possibilities f our expression. We don’t even know what expression IS. A crude example would be looking at an all-white canvas. The energy of the canvas may be totally blissful, but there is no contrast, no differentiation. Everything is blissful in exactly the same way.

So – awareness-as-pure-potential designs consciousness and space/time. We design consciousness so that it is a gateway to an infinity of experiences. We design it so that we can experience a completely different Reality within the one reality, depending upon "where" we are in the "ladder" of consciousness. This allows us to experience ourselves in an infinity of ways, to know in intimate detail what we are capable of. We design this consciousness so that we can know exactly where we are in relation to every other part of consciousness, so that everything in existence is connected. We do this by designing consciousness in different geometric (for want of a better word) patterns. One level of consciousness will "tune in" to a certain band of vibrational frequencies and exclude all others, so that a myriad of different Realities may be experienced in the same time/space universe. This allows a different experience of ourselves in relation to the reality we are perceiving.

We cloak ourselves in the energy of consciousness in order that we might discover, experience and express the totality of who we are! To summarize: You cannot be harmed because you do not exist. You are a quality, a potential, a creator but you are not fundamentally energy. You are no-thing. You are not IN time-space. The consciousness envelope that "surrounds" you (the aura, human energy field, the merkaba, whatever you want to call it) is composed of energy in varied and complex patterns, limiting your awareness to allow you to experience pieces of the entirety of All That Is, but you are not that energy. You are a "piece" of the Unmanifest, indescribable in any language or communication of space/time/existence. You are not even immortal, you are "beyond" that, for immortality implies existence. You are all-powerful, all-knowing, you are all-everything! What’s the point then of existence?? Fun!!! Joy!!!! Experiencing the limitless possibilities of our Creatorhood.

Here's another stab at it.


Utimately, the awareness we call Life is a quality, not a quantity. Awareness is an inherent quality of life. It is independent of consciousness. Of course, consciousness implies awareness and awareness is an inherent quality of consciousness, but consciousness can be explained energetically and geometrically, whereas awareness is pure potential.

Consciousness is designed to produce different levels of awareness, it is the vehicle for limiting awareness, because only by limiting awareness is experience possible. Consider this last statement for a moment. In order to experience in space/time, there must be limits on awareness -- otherwise, everything is known and there is no game. What's the point in experiencing something if you already know exactly what will happen to you? No point at all in it. Therefore, consciousness must be the vehicle for limiting awareness in order to experience.

The function of consciousness is to enable experience in space/time. The various levels of consciousness allow a Being to experience different levels of awareness. This facilitates experiencing who a Being really is, in all of its facets from highest to lowest. Consciousness enables experiencing different facets of the Reality of What Is, in all of its infinite permutations. There are as many levels of consciousness as there are levels of the Reality of What Is.

The inherent awareness of all life is total awareness of All That Is. This inherent awareness is the awareness of God. Any individual Being has this awareness of God, the awareness of the totality of everything, somewhere within. But in order to experience and become more familiar with ourselves, we assume various levels of consciousness. Each of these levels has an energy pattern associated with it, and a geometry associated with it, and, more importantly, a limiting of awareness in order to experience.

For example, when we "die", our consciousness changes. We shed the various energy overlays that allowed us to become un-aware of our higher natures. We unfocus our consciousness from the limiting perspective of the body and become aware of our broader selves. When we incarnate, we agree to focus our consciousness into bodies, in order to experience intensely. Have you ever noticed that the most intense experiences are those in which your awareness of them is diminished? When you are on a really high and fast rollercoaster, you are not in control of the situation. You do not have complete knowingness and awareness of what will happen to you. You know that some people have been killed on rollercoasters in the past, and that there is a possibility it might happen to you. As a result, you feel with the utmost intensity. This can apply to any area of life, not just a physical experience. Embarking on a new career, or a new relationship, can elicit the same intensity of feeling. If one had total awareness and control of the situation, one would not experience so intensely. This is one of the reasons a Being incarnates in the physical!

But, ultimately, the true self, which is God, is a quality of awareness. You might say it is awareness limited by consciousness. This God-self is not in the physical, it is not composed of energy, it can neither be created nor destroyed. It is Not, yet it can create Is, and experience Is. It is nothing, yet it is everything. It is timeless and formless, yet it creates time and form. It is not perfection, it is even beyond perfection. It is the glorious, loving Presence that inhabits all things. It is YOU!!

More thoughts on consciousness and awareness:

When speaking about a Theory of Consciousness, I find it helpful to distinguish between awareness and consciousness. Awareness is senior to consciousness.

Awareness "creates" consciousness, not the other way around. Awareness is inherent of course when discussing consciousness, but awareness (small a) is limited according to the scope of consciousness, whereas the Awareness Which Creates All is not limited by anything.

In a ridiculous attempt to quantify these concepts, let l = level of consciousness. A(l) = the awareness implicit in a level of consciousness, let C(l)= consciousness level. This concept can be expressed A(l) = C(l) . This implies there is a direct relationship between A(l) and C(l). But the True Awareness cannot be quantified, since it is the Ultimate Potential, Ultimate Creator, the No_Name which creates all things.

I am saying that the Ultimate Awareness inherent in all life is a pure quality, pure potential, which has the property of Creation. Thus all space/time and everything in it is a creation of this pure potential.

Consciousness is a created awareness level designed to allow different experiences.

Let me try again: Ultimate Awareness is not energetic, does not exist. It is a pure potentiality, an Ultimate Quality. All beings with consciousness have this Ultimate Awareness. So we define Awareness in 2 ways: A(I) And A(u). A(I) is the awareness based on consciousness level (C(l) ).

A(u) is Ultimate Awareness.

A being who, let us say for the sake of argument, has experienced everything in Creation, would have an awareness level equal to all of the levels of consciousness in the All That Is. This could be expressed as:

A(I) = SUM(1,n) [C(l)] <= A(u)

Since A(u) is expressed here as a quantity, and we have declared A(u) to be pure potential, we have a contradiction, for A(u) cannot be expressed mathematically. I have shown A(I) <= A(u) since A(u) is senior to any level of consciousness, is the creator of consciousness.

The only way to represent Ultimate Awareness mathematically would be to say A(u) = A(u).

(I recognize that this whole discussion is nonsensical, by the way! I'm just having fun). This is a tautology, a completely reflexive statement, and indicates a pure quality, indicates an awareness complete within itself. It is mathematically meaningless, which is a good indicator, since maths express quantities. A pure quality, obviously, would be mathematically un-expressible.

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